Sierra Nevada “Tumbler Autumn Brown Ale – 2010” Review (#079)

Sierra Nevada
“Tumbler Autumn Brown Ale”

Chico, California

From The Brewery:

As the nights grow cool, the leaves on the valley oaks begin to turn and fall. In honor of this yearly dance, we bring you Tumbler Autumn Brown Ale and invite you to enjoy the show. We use malt within days of roasting at the peak of its flavor to give Tumbler a gracefully smooth malt character. So pour a glass, and grab a window seat to watch as the leaves come tumbling down.

ABV: 5.5%
Yeast: Ale Yeast
Beginning Gravity: 13.6 Plato
Ending Gravity: 3.5 Plato
IBUs: 37
Bittering Hops: Challenger
Finishing Hops: Challenger & Yakima Goldings
Malts: Two-row Pale, Crystal, Chocolate & Smoked


Appearance: This beer was enjoyed in my Duvel tulip glass. I poured hard to give this a thick tan head at the top, followed by a dark brown liquid. Not too much light coming through, but not opaque.

Smell: A pleasant dry malt smell; earthy with subtle hints of coffee and nut.

Taste: Solid malt flavors of coffee and smoked malts, followed by a nice amount of hops; not too much, but you know they are there. As it warms and are onto the last 1/3, it opens up more with some yeast esters and a bit more breadiness.

Mouthfeel: Medium bodied; I think most American Brown ales fall short in the mouthfeel. Often they are too thin or too carbonated. I think this one hit the nail on the head.

Drinkability/Palitability: Medium to high.

Notes: This is the hoppiest you can do a brown without being an Indian Brown, which I also love. As the cooler weather rolls in, the drinkability will go up to high. This is a great new seasonal beer that I look forward to drinking more of as we come into the best month: October.

One comment on “Sierra Nevada “Tumbler Autumn Brown Ale – 2010” Review (#079)

  1. October will be a good time to hit this ale, although it already seems like fall out here in California. This new brown ale would go perfectly with a brown trout over the campfire high in the Sierra Nevadas next week.
    Here’s my review on Sierra Nevada’s latest edition:

    Enjoy your blog and will have to subscribe. Keep up the good drinking … I mean work.

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