Sierra Nevada “30th Anniversary – Charlie, Fred And Ken’s Bock” Review (#078)

Sierra Nevada
“30th Anniversary- Charlie, Fred And Ken’s Bock”

Chico, California

From The Brewery

Charlie Papazian and Fred Eckhart are the men who launched a thousand breweries. Their writing on the art of homebrewing and steadfast promotion of beer culture helped propel the craft brewing movement. Charlie and Fred agreed to work with us on this special ale in honor of our 30th anniversary. This Imperial Helles Bock is a testament to the ever-evolving brewer’s art. Bold yet balanced with distinct toasted malt character, moderate sweetness and clean and floral hops.

ABV: 8.3%


Appearance: I enjoyed this bold yellow beer in a pintglass. It had a thick, off white, head; it lasted the whole way down.

Smell: A mild smelling, sweet beer, with hints of floral hops.

Taste: A very pleasant beer. The sweet malt comes out first which has a slight caramel taste. Its followed by a subtle hops and finishes on a yeast ester flavor that lingers nicely; more noticeable as it warms.

Mouthfeel: A medium bodied beer, that leaves a slight drying sweetness on the end.

Drinkability: High; this is a pretty big beer, so do not under estimate it. It hides the higher alcohol quite well.

Notes: A very nice beer; I think they executed what they set out to do when making this one.

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